Fool me twice

My understanding of urgency:

Urgency to me is highly subjective. What might be considered urgent to some will not be for someone else. At the time of writing there is a lot going on in the world with the Covid pandemic, US elections, climate crisis, social inequities etc. Whereas all these topics already have a lot of attention I'd like to focus on something we all deal with yet might fly under the radar: Cognitive Biases.


Cognitive biases. Wether we are conscious of them or not, most of these biases affect the way we perceive and interact with one another. They influence not only our opinions but also our decision making. Just like the passing of time, We can’t directly alter the ways these biases take effect. In a similar vein however we can influence how we adapt to them, much like how you can adapt around the flow of time.


Show the link between time and biases with the goal of (re)introducing twelve common cognitive biases and show how you can avoid them.

Portfolio Caption:

The question I asked myself during the design process of this publication is how can I create a metaphorical relation between time and biases on a visual and conceptual level? After a lot of trial and error I came up with a concept revolving around the commonality between the two: adaptation.
We can't directly influence how these biases work, just as we can't directly alter the flow of time. What we can do however is adapt ourselves with them in mind. The reason I chose for cognitive biases as a topic is due to the fact that these biases often play a role in bigger issues or the development of those issues without us even being aware. I believe awareness and understanding is key to solving a lot of modern problems.
Besides that its a topic that will stay relevant for the foreseeable future and won't go down with a hype.